Training & Development

Why is Training Important?

People are the core of any organisation, and the ability to communicate, collaborate and negotiate with all types of people is considered one of the most sought after skill-sets in the knowledge economy.

Investing in your employees through suitable training & development programs allows them to grow, become more confident and improve their performance. As a result, organisations experience increased engagement as well as lower employee turnover.

Employee training is an overall growth engine that drives business success, allowing for companies to retain top talent, sustain higher levels of productivity, and improve their adaptability to changes in business environments.

Our development programs, courses and workshops combine proven methodologies with DISC insights for the best learning experience.

What We Offer

Courses & Workshops

Conflict Management

Conflicts are the biggest threat to effective collaboration, yet they are a natural part of business life. It’s important that teams understand conflicts and are able to manage them.

Our Conflict to Connection course works towards equipping people with the skills to understand conflict, the different types of conflict, conflict triggers, and how to apply appropriate conflict management techniques according to different situations and scenarios.

Team Dynamics

Everyone knows that “teamwork” is important to success, but it is certainly not easy to collaborate and coordinate effectively, especially with different people. It has become more important than ever for us to understand the dynamics of teams in order to optimise for better success.

Our Collaborative Team Culture course is designed to facilitate enhanced collaboration, connection and productivity for you and your team. This team-level intervention involves activities and discussions focused on improving interpersonal relations, role clarification, problem-solving as well as goal setting skills, all of which affect team functioning and dynamics.

Presentation Skills

The most successful employees are the ones who can communicate well. In the workplace, it is common for employees to deliver briefings to colleagues, present to supervisors, or pitch to clients. Speaking before an audience is one thing, but to persuasively present your ideas to the key stakeholders of your organisation is a crucial skill that needs to be developed.

Our Present with Impact course ensures that your presentations provide clarity. With improved presentation skills, you will able to communicate more fluently and dynamically, leading to more effective meetings, leadership, and increased business.


In today's fast-paced world, where demands on our time are ever-increasing, mastering the art of productivity is essential. Whether it's finding ways to prioritize tasks, minimize distractions, or delegate effectively, the journey to improved productivity is about adopting strategies that work best for you. By understanding how to optimize to make the most of the time we have, we can regain control over our lives and create a balance between achieving our goals and enjoying the moments that matter. Our Power Up Your Productivity course can help you and your team get started.

Self Management

The ability to navigate the intricate dynamics of self-management while steering the performance of others is a hallmark of success. With a heightened focus on self-management and leadership, organisations can become a dynamic ecosystem where each individual's growth contributes to the collective advancement.

Our Strategic Performance Management course serves as a dynamic roadmap that bridges theory and action. It equips individuals with the tools to set goals, measure performance, and proactively identify areas for growth. This journey empowers participants to harness their potential, transforming personal endeavors into collective success.

Customer Service

Regardless of the nature of a company's products or services, every organisation strives to deliver a high quality experience for their customer; the kind of excellent, seamless service transaction that exceeds your customers' needs and expectations.

The Art of Customer Service course is designed to facilitate a better understanding of the services that exist within the holistic concept of customer experience. This course will provide participants with fresh insights to distinguish between good customer service from great customer service. As a result, participants will enhance the interaction skills needed to convert customers to brand advocates.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning and management play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory and success of a business by offering clear direction and insight. Through strategic planning, organizations outline their mission, vision, and core values, establishing a well-defined path towards their goals. This process acts as a compass, guiding decision-making and fostering a shared sense of purpose across the entire workforce.

Our Strategic Management Essentials course involves incorporating a long-term perspective and clear performance metrics so that organisations can cultivate a culture of transparency and accountability.


Facilitation training equips individuals with the skills to guide groups effectively through discussions, decision-making, and problem-solving processes. By mastering the art of guiding group dynamics, facilitators can establish themselves as valuable assets within their organizations and build extensive professional networks.

The Art of Facilitation course is a masterclass to educate, enable and empower facilitators to improve their skills and enhance learning experiences for their participants.

Coach Training

Beyond simply imparting knowledge; coaching involves facilitating thought-provoking conversations, honing essential skills, and cultivating a culture of continuous improvement.

Our Elevate Through Empowerment course offers corporate employees a pathway to personal and professional excellence. It empowers them to unlock their potential, contribute more effectively to their teams, and drive the organization forward. By embracing coaching, companies can create a culture of continuous learning and growth that benefits both individuals and the entire business ecosystem.

Sales for Financial Planners

The ability to decipher complex concepts and present them in a coherent and relatable manner to clients of varying backgrounds is a skill. Sales training for financial planners impacts organizations by fostering consistency, enhancing reputation, and increasing revenue.

Our Selling With Confidence course helps financial planners and their representatives by boosting their confidence, improving their communication skills, and equipping them with the expertise to provide tailored solutions that meet clients' financial needs.

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